If you are thinking of getting a dental bridge or have already got one, you might want to know what you should do if it becomes loose. These oral appliances are delicate appliances that demand good care. Failure to do so, will become damaged or loose. If your dental bridges become loose, there are several things you can do.
What To Do
When your dental bridges become loose for any reason, the first thing you should do is seek help from us. The sooner we fix your loose dental bridges, the better chances of retaining them. It is good to treat any loose dental bridge as an emergency. This is vital because persistent use of a loose dental bridge will damage your gums and affect these appliances' stability. By coming in for checks immediately, you notice a loose dental bridge; you help improve your smile in a single appointment. However, there are several things you must be careful with before arriving at our offices.
First, you should avoid moving the dental bridge at all costs. Secondly, you should not attempt cleaning the area around the dental bridge because you could further loosen it. This is crucial because either of these activities could significantly affect recovering the loose dental bridge.
Understanding the Causes of a Loose Dental Bridge
There are several causes of a loose dental bridge. You must know these causes so that you protect your bridges from possible damage. One of the most common causes is the decay of the abutment tooth. If you don't take good care of your teeth by brushing them, you increase the chances of decay that results in loose dental bridges. Schedule a consultative appointment with us for more information on what to do when you have a loose dental bridge.
Dental Blog | Prosthodontist Houston, TX | Alexandra Garcia, DDS, MS Dr. Alexandra Garcia is offering this blog as a resource to the community. Click here to learn more about procedures, home care, and a variety of other dental topics! Alexandra Garcia, DDS, MS, 777 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 625, Houston, TX 77056 • (346) 250-2930 • dralexandragarcia.com • 9/12/2024 • Related Phrases: dental implants Houston TX •