There are many dental cosmetic procedures that can help restore your lost smile. From dentures to crowns to bridges, there are many options to replace a missing tooth or teeth. However, one of the best dental cosmetic procedures you can get are dental implants. You probably have a lot of questions regarding this procedure, including
what risks are associated with dental implants, which is why we’ve put together these frequently asked questions about dental implants.
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about dental implants.
What is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant is a procedure conducted to replace a missing tooth or teeth. It entails the placement of a metal post into the jawbone, which then binds with the jawbone and forms an artificial tooth root, allowing for the placement of an artificial tooth. The history of dental implants dates back to around 2000 B.C in China
Does a Missing Tooth Need to be Replaced?
There are many reasons for the emphasis on the replacement of a missing tooth. Having a missing tooth or teeth can affect the speaking and chewing ability of a person. Even a single missing tooth can affect the structure of your jaw, causing adjacent teeth to move and shift. Those with a missing tooth can get single tooth implants while those with missing teeth can get multiple teeth implants.
Who is a Candidate for Implants?
A patient has to undergo surgery to get dental implants, which requires the use of anesthesia. So in order to get dental implants, you need to have an overall clean bill of health that your general physician signs off on. Moreover, you also need to have healthy gum tissue to qualify for dental implants. Those with periodontal disease or other gum issues cannot get dental implants since the chances of successful surgery are extremely low. Some people also suffer from bone loss in the jaw when they lose their teeth. In such cases it can be difficult to conduct successful dental implant surgery. Fortunately, your prosthodontist will recommend you get bone grafting to get your jaw back into shape for dental implant surgery.
There are many dental implant benefits. Not only do these help restore your smile and self-confidence, but they also help restore your ability to chew and talk easily. Moreover, dental implants become a permanent part of your teeth so unlike dentures, you don’t have to worry about them falling out. We'll tell you more about how implants compare with a real tooth during your first appointment.
What does Dental Implant Care Entail?
Since dental implants become a permanent part of your mouth, you simply need to treat them like your natural teeth. This means that you need to use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush twice a day, flossing regularly, and use mouthwash to keep your oral health in good shape. Patients sometimes have concerns about a risk of corrosion with dental implants but proper care will help prevent issues.
What is Osseointegration?
Osseointegration is the process in which the metal post placed as an artificial tooth root bonds with your natural jaw bone, creating a proper structure for the dental implant placement.
Our team at Alexandra Garcia, DDS, MS understands that you might have more questions related to dental implants, including
how long dental implants last or
are dental implants safe for you. Give us a call at
(346) 250-2930 to find out more about dental implants and if they are the right fit for you.